I decided to write about this program because it’s the one that changed my life. Many of my travel stories come from there. It was a unique chance in my professional, personal and travel life.

I lived for six months in Madrid, Spain. There, thanks to the student organization Erasmus Students Network, I could visit a big part of Spain and Portugal. Then, I took advantage of all the chances there. That meant a cheap round trip flight to Morroco, a visit to my uncles, and many other trips organized with my colleagues.

Want some reasons to do it?

  • Meeting so many foreign people changes you.

You will see that the majority of stereotypes are not true. You’ll get inspired by people. From my point of view, there I learned how to have fun and how to organize my time so well! I studied a lot and I didn’t miss a trip at the same time!

  • It is a unique opportunity to have financial support.

Erasmus Programme gives you an amount of money depending on the country you’ll study in. This money will cover you the rent and the food. I chose not to live in the center of the city. So, with the money I  saved, I went on trips.

  • You’ll learn a new language or practice a foreign one you already know.

I learned Spanish from movies and then I hired a personal trainer to teach me grammar. I thought I knew the language, but when I went there I did not understand a thing. Because no one is teaching slang.

  • You have a lot of options at your host Faculty.

The system allows you to choose courses from other faculties or courses that are not part of your specialization. For example, I studied Journalism and I chose Psychology and Politics.

  • It’s your challenge!

Take the risks: new life, new people, other culture. Be brave!

  • You’ll become more responsible, and that helps you to be independent.

Here, all your parents and best friends are far away. You’ll get used to cooking, clean the house/room, wash the dishes and clothes. You’ll go to the market weekly, otherwise you’ll be starving.

  • You’ll make friends from all over the world!

Wanna travel? Call your friends for a place to sleep. I had one interesting experience, my friend from the USA gave me a private tour of the Capitol! I told that story here.

  • You will outstand!

Do you have any idea of how important is an Erasmus stage in your CV?

  • You’ll rediscover yourself!

After six months or a year, you’ll discover that you have grown a lot. On all sides of your life.  You’ț adapt faster to a new situation, you’ll be tolerant, you’ll know (when you’ll face a problem) where you have to work to do things better! You’ll appreciate your life more because you’ll be Somebody!

  • Don’t forget about travelling!

Travel makes you richer! Just let each opportunity to teach you the best!

Places I’ve been

Want to have an idea of how many you can do in just six months with a minimum budget? I made a list of my pins on the map. In every place, I could meet people, eat their traditional food, enter their museums, have a guided walk through the cultural centers and, also, have some fun.

  • Spain: Toledo, Salamanca, Avila, San Sebastian, Bilbao, Valencia, Barcelona, Segovia, Alcala de Henares, Cordoba, Sevilla, Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz, Malaga, Granada, Alicante, Ibiza and Formentera
  • Portugal: Lisbon and Algarve
  • Morocco: Tanger and Chefchaouen
  • Gibraltar

Practically, almost each weekend I went to a new place! I spoke with my university colleagues that went to study abroad with Erasmus and told me that ESN in every country offers many trips, so the student’s experience would be a full one.

Erasmus Exchange Program: why you should apply

Posted by Educated by Travelling on 23 Iunie 2017




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